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About me...

My passion

Born in Bergen, Norway 1981.

I started riding at 7 years old and just never stopped. I never doubted what to do, but how to do it in a way that I could combine my passion for the animals and my love for the sport.

Even though I was riding both showjumping and dressage during my younger years, I always knew that dressage was it for me.


I moved to spain in 2005 and worked 14 years riding for the Swedish owned PRE stud farm Cortijo el Robledal, training, selling and competing the horses in national and international dressage events. I stopped counting when I had backed about a 100 youngsters, so that definitely is my thing.

Winning world championship for PRE horses, Copa ANCCE dressage SICAB three times, 2007, 2008, 2011 and MCI, European championship iberian horses dressage in Barcelona 2013 is some of the highlights "on paper"...

I was also lucky enough to represent Norway in international dressage competitons like Sunshine Tour, where I got to hear the national hymn in 2013 after winning, also with a PRE.

Wonderful memories to look back at...


I have to point out that to me personally the highlights of my career are those every day moments experienced with all those horses and pupils that are crossing my path. I have learned not to take for granted what these wonderful animals does for us, and to respect and understand each individual.

The succes of my pupils are my motivation. It being success at home or competing. Those personal goals being achieved that I get to be a part of, that is what gives me goosebumps....

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